Desert Hyacinth


Scientific Name: Cistanche tubulosa

Arabic Name: Thanoon,  ذانون 

Meet the Desert hyacinth, also known as Fox radish, and ‘Ginseng of the Desert’. It is a branchless, pyramid-shaped plant with bright yellow flowers, which bloom between the months of December to March. In fact, the reason the Desert Hyacinth isn’t green is because these plants have no chlorophyll (the pigment that makes plants green) and live off other plants, called a “host plant,” to obtain their nutrients making them an all-flower bearing parasite plant. The most preferred host for this parasite is the “Miswak” or Arak tree. This behavior exemplifies one of the essential laws of nature, interdependence, where a group of organisms interact with each other in their environment in order to survive. All life needs other life to survive.

The extract of this plant is used to enhance brain functionality and cognitive abilities such as learning and memory. It has also been traditionally valued for its anti-ageing properties and to improve energy and stamina.

Sadly, the Desert hyacinth is threatened due to over-exploitation for its valuable medicinal properties.


How can you help protect the Desert hyacinth? ​​​​​​